Raised Beds

Found some old drawers from habitat restore and am turning them into mini raised beds

More drawers... getting ready to transplant




All my seedlings

More basil

Makeshift water sprayer

First Sprout!

Tomato seedling sprouted first, in the window with less light too... I'm surprised!

So pretty.

Time for some dirt!

Got dirty filling the starting containers.

We went through the recycling bin and found all kinds of containers to use, no need to go to the store! 

Gave them a home on my sunny window sill until it stops snowing and freezing! 

 Luckily I have a corner room with two sunny windows!

Germination Station

Got some heirloom seeds from Fischberger's Variety store

Stole some of my brother's toy boxes and placed them by the heater, sealed them and created a humid environment for the seeds.

The pepper seeds were the first to sprout! 

Journal Factory

"Ink on the Walls"






Mayfair Mall

"Concrete River"


"Don't Touch"

"This Way"

"One Way"



"Warm Welcome"